Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Disha Patani and her rumoured boyfriend, actor and model Aleksander Alex Ilic, have recently captured the attention of media and netizens alike. After apparently splitting from Tiger Shroff, Disha has been linked to Aleksander Alex Ilic. Now, in a surprising development, Aleksander got Disha's face tattooed on his bicep, further igniting dating speculations.
Now, Disha has reacted to Aleksander getting tattooed after sharing a video with him. Disha praised Aleksander for his kind gesture on her Instagram account. With a heartfelt note, Disha posted a picture of Alexander flaunting his new tattoo featuring her face.
After sharing a video with the Siberian model and rumoured ex Tiger Shroff's sister Krishna Shroff, Disha took to Instagram Stories to react to him getting inked. Taking to her Instagram handle, Disha thanked Aleksander for his sweet gesture. She shared a photo of Alexander and wrote, “I m so touched Alexii. So lucky to have you my friend. #bff.”