Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Malaika Arora turned a year older on October 23. To mark this special day, her actor-boyfriend Arjun Kapoor took to his social media handle to share a heartwarming picture and penned down an adorable birthday wish for her. Let's take a look at Malaika's response in the comment section.
Sharing the picture on Instagram on Monday, Arjun wrote in the caption, "Happy Birthday Baby !!! (attached a red heart emoji) This picture is us, You bring the smile, the joy, the light & I'll always have your back even thru the chaos…(sic)". Arjun shared a delightful snapshot of the couple gracefully dancing together. The actor lovingly placed his right arm around Malaika, who held onto him tightly, and her face radiated with a smile. Malaika looked absolutely stunning in an exquisite white lehenga. Without delay, Malaika reacted to Arjun's endearing post by commenting, "Love you" (and attached a red heart emoji).
Meanwhile, a few moments later Malaika posted a picture of herself on Instagram and wrote, "As the sun sets on another year & I turn 48, (in my favourite bathrobe ) I am grateful for the peace, my people and my calm that has been my companion throughout this journey. Sitting here, each moment feels like a gentle whisper, guiding me towards self-discovery and inner strength. (sic)"