Hyderabad: The International Indian Film Academy Awards popularly known as IIFA draws much sparkle and glamour every year for over two decades. The 23rd edition of the famous award show is currently taking place in Abu Dhabi and the capital of the United Arab Emirates has been gripped in Bollywood fever. On Thursday, B-town members including Salman Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Vicky Kaushal, Farah Khan, Rakul Preet Singh and Nora Fatehi kick-started the IIFA 2023 journey with a press conference. Meanwhile, a video of Abhishek and Vicky has been doing rounds on the internet as the former brought in Salman Khan during a fun banter with Vicky.
In the video, Abhishek and Vicky could be seen in a completely fun mood as they interacted with the audience at the press conference. The audience laughed out loud as Abhishek humourously said, "This section is brought to you by 'Vicky we love you...'" As Vicky thanked the crowd for turning up for the show, Abhishek interrupted and said, "No no no... some still have not yet turned up. They are still waiting for Salman Khan."