Hyderabad: After making her film debut in 2014, Kriti Sanon most recently took home the National Film Award for her role in Mimi. However, the subject of nepotism has been contentious for most of Kriti's nine-year career in Hindi films, and she has frequently been asked what she thinks about it.
Kriti Sanon has discussed the issue of "nepotism" in the movie business. She feels that if a producer supports someone from within Bollywood, they have to let "someone who doesn't belong but is probably more talented" some room as well. She also mentioned that "the world is tilting towards talent and scripts rather than stars and big names" in a recent interview.
"If you're launching someone from the industry, make sure you're also giving space to someone who doesn't belong but is probably more talented," Kriti said, adding, "if we start creating equal opportunities—the industry can become more accessible for outsiders. Kriti continued, "Slowly, very slowly, the world is tilting towards talent and scripts rather than stars and big names," acknowledging that this would not be an overnight revolution.