New Delhi: Actor Kriti Sanon, who is currently riding high on her big win at the National Awards, has opened up on her upcoming flick Ganapath, and shared how she was badly hurt while performing the action sequences in the movie. On Tuesday, Kriti was bestowed with the National Award for the Best Actress at the 69th National Awards held in New Delhi, for her performance in Mimi.
The actor was in the national capital on Wednesday for the promotion of Ganapath, along with the lead star Tiger Shroff. She looked gorgeous in a white short-sleeved dress and completed the look with matching thigh-high boots. Kriti left her short hair open and opted for a minimal makeup look - glossy lips and kohl-rimmed eyes.
Talking about her preparations for her role, Kriti said, "Nothing is really easy when you are doing it for the first time. I have never done action before this film. My first film was with Tiger, so I wished to do action films in life. My character Jassi uses nunchucks, which I don't think anyone has done here. So to learn that, you have to make it a part of your body, so I started learning nine months before the shoot. It was not easy. I had ripped and hurt myself a lot on my head and elbow everywhere."