Mumbai: Filmmaker Hansal Mehta, who has been getting a lot of positive response to his recently released streaming show Scoop, has shared his 'cardinal rule' for crafting stories. Scoop, which is inspired by real events and Jigna Vora's memoir Behind Bars in Byculla: My Days in Prison, tells how she was framed by the police and investigating agencies for abetting the murder of crime reporter Jyotirmoy Dey citing professional rivalry.
Talking about how he stays away from showing his characters in a particular light, Hansal told IANS: "I find the whole process of not getting into the binary of good and bad about my characters very easy and I'll tell you why. I have a very simple, cardinal rule: to not judge my characters and their actions. I keep my mind open to what my characters would do next and that is important as a storyteller. I try to explore their compulsions, their journeys and let the black, white or grey come out of that."