Hyderabad:After a hiatus, actress Taapsee Pannu had a chit-chat with her fans on Instagram. Currently, she is acting in 'Dunky' and 'Alien'. She responded to the queries posed by netizens in a funny way. In this order, she answered sarcastically about her marriage. Taapsee Pannu also acted in many Tollywood and Kollywood films before venturing into Bollywood.
Where would you like to go for your next holiday?
I haven't made any plans yet on where to go next for the tour. It will be decided where the vacation will be after the shooting of the current film is completed. Apart from that keeping in mind the prevailing weather conditions.
When is your wedding?
I am not pregnant yet. So, no plans to get married anytime soon.
What was your recent search on Google?
Saw the Wimbledon match. In order to know the details of the match, I searched Wimbledon 2023 on Google. Also, Djokovic was disliked by the majority of sports fans, who attended the match. They have made comments against him. So, I searched for the reason for their hatred towards him.