Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood hunk Hrithik Roshan dropped a string of drool-worthy pictures on social media. The actor is seen shirtless in the motely of throwback pictures. While fans are going gaga over his washboard abs and flooded the comment section with fire emojis, Hrithik's girlfriend Saba Azad also couldn't resist from reacting to his pictures.
Hrithik on Thursday shared a sting of throwback pictures on his Instagram handle. The images which have garnered more than 1 million likes on the photo and video sharing site so far, feature Hrithik running with his trainer Kris Gethin. Sharing the images, Hrithik wrote, "@krisgethin are you ready? Hehe I’m not 😐 Got to get back #fighter mode #throwback."
Hrithik's post has garnered several likes and comments from fans and friends from the film industry. It was, however, his ladylove Saba Azad's reaction which has caught everyone's attention. Reacting to Hrithik's post, Saba wrote, "Yes you is 💪🏽💪🏽 you was born ready!! Go ninja!!"