Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan is known for his athletic body and always puts in the effort to maintain his physique. On Wednesday, the actor set the internet on fire as he shared a shirtless photo of himself working out in the sun as a treat to his fans. Sharing the picture on Instagram, he wrote in the caption, "When you need to shred fast, nothing works better than vitamin D'hoop! Soak it in before the yellow turns blue. #keepgoing."
In his caption, when Hrithik wrote "D'hoop", the actor referred to the character Jadoo from his 2003 film Koi Mil Gaya, who thrived on 'dhoop' (sunlight). In the picture, Hrithik could be seen working out on an exercise bike while soaking the vitamin D on his terrace. He was shirtless, and dressed in unbuttoned acid-washed denim jeans, a yellow baseball cap, and eyeglasses.