Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan and his girlfriend Saba Azad went on a date on Tuesday night after making a spectacular appearance at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) gala during the weekend. The couple was spotted by the paparazzi as they left a restaurant in Mumbai, both could be seen twinning in black. They have been in a relationship for over a year now.
Taking to Instagram, a paparazzo account posted a video of Hrithik and Saba with a caption that read, "Handsome hunk Hrithik Roshan along with his girlfriend Saba Azad in an expensive cafe!! Both couple twin in black!! Looks fab!!!" Several social media users reacted to the video by showering the couple with red heart emojis. A fan wrote, "They look good together." Another wrote, "Don't be jealous you guysss..they are perfectly ok together."