Hyderabad: Bollywood star Hrihitk Roshan turns 49 today. The actor has been around for more than two decades and is doing good for himself. But, did you know that his filmmaker father Rakesh Roshan never wanted him to enter Bollywood. Though Rakesh launched him with romantic musical dram Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai in 2000, it was never a plan.
According to Hrithik, his father was against him entering films. He in an interview even said that his father never had plans for launching him hence he was giving screentests for outside filmmakers. When Rakesh Roshan heard good things from the other filmmakers for whom Hrithik was auditioning, he realised that may be he will miss the opportunity to launch a potential star.
during the same time, Rakesh was working on pre-production of Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai. For the film, he wanted Shah Rukh Khan or Aamir Khan to play the lead. But when the people around him said that the script demands fresh faces, then he turned to Hrihitk who was already on his path to enter Bollywood.
But when asked why his father did not want him to become an actor, Hrithik had said that Sr. Roshan never wanted his son to go through the hardships and uncertainty that he faced in his career. "My father was against me coming into films because of the struggle that he had to go through," said Roshan when asked if his father supported his choice to venture into acting.
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Hrithik said his father struggled very hard for 20 years and did not want him to go through what he went through. But there was "something inside me that was really determined," said Hrithik. The actor said he wanted to prove himself because he grew up with a really bad stutter. Films according to him was his "one chance to look and feel normal."