Mumbai: Film Heritage Foundation on Saturday announced a film festival to celebrate late cinema legend Dilip Kumar's 100th birth anniversary. The festival, titled Dilip Kumar Hero Of Heroes, will be held on December 10 and 11, the not-for-profit organisation, founded by filmmaker and archivist Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, said in a press release.
During the film gala, organised in partnership with leading multiplex chain PVR Cinemas, Kumar's critically-acclaimed movies, including Aan (1952), Devdas (1955), Ram Aur Shyam (1967) and Shakti (1982), will be screened in over 30 cinema halls and 20 cities across the country.
Dungarpur said the festival is an incredible opportunity to bring back "one of the greatest actors of Indian cinema on the big screen". Kumar died at the age of 98 in July 2021.
"He truly is the Hero of Heroes as even today he is an actor that the biggest stars look up to. Film Heritage Foundation could think of no better way to celebrate this milestone than a festival of his films back in theatres. Even though some of these films were released nearly seventy years ago, the power of Dilip Kumar's performances, his craft as a method actor and his charisma make him ageless," he added.
Dungarpur, who earlier curated a film festival to mark Amitabh Bachchan's 80th birthday, said it made him sad that many of Kumar's great films survived only in low-resolution formats that could not be projected on the big screen.
"I cobbled together these films with great difficulty with many people asking me why some of their favourite Dilip Kumar films were not included... I hope this will be a wake-up call to filmmakers and producers to realise that time is running out and that they should look into preserving their films before it is too late," he said.