Mumbai: After a decent theatrical run, Fahadh Faasil's Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum is now headed for OTT release. Ahead of film's OTT release, Fahadh has shared that the film presents an emotional journey peppered with comedy and drama. Written and directed by Akhil Sathyan, the film stars Fahadh Faasil as the protagonist - Prashanth Rajan aka Pachu, with Anjana Jayaprakash, Mohan Agashe, and Indrans in pivotal roles. It narrates the story of a Mumbai-based middle-class Malayali businessman - Pachu, who travels to Kerala for an errand.
Talking about the film, Fahadh Faasil said, "My character, Pachu, is an ordinary man, who lives an ordinary life but suddenly finds himself on this extraordinary journey, which changes his perspective of life and everything in it. 'Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum' is a beautiful story of an emotional journey, sprinkled with comedy, and drama, making it a light and engaging watch for audiences of all ages."
During Pachu's visit, a series of unexpected events lead him to a lucrative opportunity, wrapped in even more surprises and twists than he could have imagined. The film follows Pachu, as he embarks on this transformative journey of empathy, and love, while assisting a spirited senior in her noble endeavour.