Hyderabad: Actor Parineeti Chopra found her prince charming in politician Raghav Chadha is known. The couple, who got engaged on May 13, comes from different backgrounds. According to Raghav and Parineeti, their union also unites the two worlds which are poles apart.
Taking to social media, Parineeti shared a gratitude note for the love and positivity that they received as they embark on the new journey. The actor also spoke about the different worlds that she and Raghav come from but at the same time, she is amazed by how their union also unites these two spectrums in a way.
"Raghav and I are overwhelmed with the love and abundance of positivity we have received over the past few weeks, particularly on our engagement. We both come from different worlds, and it's amazing to know that our worlds also unite with our union. We have gained a bigger family than we could have ever imagined," reads the note shared by Parineeti on Instagram.