Hyderabad: Actor-politician Hema Malini, known as Bollywood's Dream Girl, marked her 75th birthday with great enthusiasm on a Monday. The veteran actor threw a lavish birthday party for her friends in the film industry and her family in Mumbai. Her husband, actor Dharmendra, and daughters Ahana and Esha Deol joined in the celebration which was a star-studded affair with the who's who of Bollywood in attendance. Social media was abuzz with videos and photos from Dream Girl's birthday celebration.
In a viral video, Dharmendra can be seen standing by Hema as she cut her birthday cake, playfully feeding him a piece while their daughters cheered. Hema looked stunning in a pink saree, and Dharmendra was dapper in a blue suit. The iconic couple was also captured enjoying a performance on their evergreen song Dream Girl.
Hema graced the stage herself, dancing to Tune Oo Rangeele from her 1981 film Kudrat, co-starring Rajesh Khanna. She was joined by Rekha, who danced with her on Kya Khoob Lagti Ho and dedicated the performance to the birthday girl. The videos of the veteran divas floored fans who praised their heartwarming friendship.