Hyderabad: The Assamese New Year officially begins on Rongali Bihu aka Bohag Bihu, one of the major festivals observed in Assam. However, Bollywood actor and Lok Sabha MP Hema Malini mistakenly called Bihu the festival of Bihar in a recent tweet. This drew criticism and trolling from internet users following which she expressed her regret and tendered her apology on Twitter.
Taking to her Twitter handle, Hema Malini earlier wrote, "It is the Harvest season now. Tamizh Puthandu (New year), Baisakhi (Punjab), Bihu (Bihar) and Pohela Baisakh or Naba Barsha (Bengal) are some of the festivals celebrated. Wish you all a wonderful festival month🙏." However, after getting trolled, the actor noticed her mistake and wrote another tweet with an apology, which read: "By mistake🙏I have put Bihu is a festival celebrated in Bihar. I am sorry! That should read Bihu, festival of Assam🙏."