Hyderabad: Days after a star-studded engagement ceremony in Delhi, Parineeti Chopra returned to Mumbai on Sunday. When the actor said in a social media post that she is leaving her 'Dil in Dilli', she certainly meant it as in a love-dripping post coupled with unseen picture from engagement ceremony, Parineeti revealed when did she feel that Raghav is 'the one' for her.
Taking to Instagram on Monday, Parineeti penned an endearing post in which she talked about her love story with Raghav, the qualities that she admires the most in her prince charming and why the engagement ceremony was like 'living a dream.'
Parineeti shared a string of unseen pictures from her engagement with Raghav and wrote, "When you know, you know. One breakfast together and I knew - I had met the one. The most wonderful man whose quiet strength would be calming, peaceful and inspiring. His support, humour, wit and friendship are pure joy. He is my home."