Hyderabad:Actor Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor, the son of Bollywood star Anil Kapoor, recently shared a picture on his Instagram, posing alongside the renowned footballer David Beckham. The occasion was Beckham's visit to India to witness the World Cup semi-final match between India and New Zealand.
Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor was among the guests at a gathering organized by his sister, Sonam Kapoor, and her husband, Anand Ahuja, in honor of David Beckham. While many celebrities were present and posted photos with Beckham during the event, Harsh was no exception. After Harsh Varrdhan shared his picture with David Beckham on social media, a user made a mocking comment questioning the actor's identity.
On another occasion, Harsh Varrdhan posted a picture on the microblogging platform X, featuring himself with David Beckham. In the caption, he mentioned their conversation about the football club Manchester United, but remained discreet about the specifics. However, following this post, another social media user ridiculed the actor, raising questions about Harsh’s legitimacy. Harsh responded by stating that Beckham had visited his home and amusingly asked the user about their own identity.