Hyderabad: Real-life Bollywood couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are also workout partners as they posed for a picture in the gym together. The couple went to the gym the day after Deepika arrived in Mumbai from a trip to Bhutan. Celebrity fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala on Wednesday posted a photograph of Deepika and Ranveer on her Instagram Stories.
The star couple struck a pose with Yasmin in the gym selfie. Sharing it, the instructor wrote: "Gymming just got better (with fire, muscles and heart eyes emojis)." In the picture, Deepika and Ranveer Singh could be seen sporting black gym outfit. Ranveer donned a black T-shirt, black jacket, and white framed sunglasses, while Deepika wore a sports bra and yoga pants. Yasmin could also be seen in black as she stood in between the couple. Deepika pouted in the picture while Ranveer and Yasmin both grinned broadly for the camera.