Mumbai:Oscar winner Guneet Monga Kapoor has shared that her latest film Kathal, which stars Sanya Malhotra in the lead, is an effort to speak about the absurdity of our reality. The film is a satirical comedy about a local politician whose prized jackfruits go missing and a young police officer (played by Sanya) is adamant to solve this bizarre case to prove herself. The story is inspired by similar real-life incidents that have happened in the past, like an IAS Officer that cut practice sessions at a Delhi stadium short so that he could walk his dog.
Guneet Monga Kapoor, who has co-produced the film, said, "When Yashowardhan Mishra (director) and Ashok Mishra (the writer) approached us with the idea of Kathal, Achin and I instantly knew this was a project Sikhya Entertainment could voice and lead. We made Kathal with the hope of speaking about the absurdity of our reality, and with the headlines we're seeing now, it's all the more validating that sometimes reality is stranger than fiction."