New Delhi: KGF star Yash says an actor either works his way up the ladder in cinema or becomes an overnight star but he has experienced both sides of the phenomenon in his career. Yash, whose real name is Naveen Kumar Gowda, made his debut in Kannada industry with Moggina Manasu in 2008 and later delivered many commercial hits, including Modalasala, Rajadhani, Kirataka, Drama, Mr. and Mrs. Ramachari, Masterpiece and Santhu Straight Forward.
But the Prashanth Neel-directed period action film KGF: Chapter One changed the course of the 36-year-old actor's career as he found a wider acceptance from the audiences beyond the Kannada film industry for his role of Rocky, a high-ranking assassin in Mumbai who works his way to the throne of Kolar Gold Fields. The actor, who was born in Boovanahalli, a village in Hassan district of Karnataka, said he always wanted to showcase the treasure trove of stories that his native film industry has to offer to the rest of the country and the world.
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