New Delhi: Google paid homage to Malayalam cinema's first woman actor PK Rosy on the occasion of her birth anniversary. P. K. Rosy was born on February 10, 1903. She was the first female actor in Malayalam cinema. She acted in J. C. Daniel's directorial Vigathakumaran (The Lost Child).
She was born Rajamma in 1903 to a Pulaya family in Nandankode, Trivandrum. Her father passed away while she was very young, leaving her family in extreme poverty, according to her living relatives. She worked as a grass cutter when she was younger. She also had a strong interest in the arts, which her uncle nurtured by helping her find a music and acting instructor.
She also routinely attended the neighbourhood school of performing arts to study Kakkirasi Nattakam, a style of Tamil folk theatre based on tales of Siva and Parvati's arrival on Earth as nomads and performed in a combination of Tamil and Malayalam.
Acting was not traditionally regarded as a woman's vocation in those days, and women who thought acting was a serious career were deemed licentious or "loose". Rosy's passion for acting seems to have outweighed any worries she may have had about what people would think of her. Many people assert that her family changed her name from Rajamma to Rosamma after converting to Christianity.