Los Angeles:Actor Ram Charan has opened up to how he looks back at Naatu Naatu journey. The actor, who attended Golden Globes 2023 with team RRR, said that working on the song was "beautiful torture. " Ram Charan and Jr NTR had earlier spoken about how RRR director Rajamouli used to put them through the grind again and again till he is satisfied with their sync. The song created history with Golden Globes win but Ram Charan's opinion about the ringmaster Rajamouli seemingly remains the same.
When Ram Charan was asked if he would like to be a Marvel superhero, the RRR hero responded at once: "Absolutely. Why not?" And when he was asked about his favourite Marvel superhero, he said without thinking much: "Tony Stark." He was referring to the character Robert Downey Jr plays in the Iron Man franchise. "Or maybe Captain America, why not?" Ram Charan added as an afterthought. "We have some amazing superheroes in India too," he pointed out. "How about you invite one of our heroes over here?"
Talking specifically about Naatu Naatu, he said: "My knees still wobble talking about it today. It was a beautiful torture and look where it has got us." Was the RRR director S.S. Rajamouli hard on them during the terrific action sequences? Rajamouli said: "I took care of them like babies. No one ever got hurt." To this, Ram Chran added: "He spanked the babies too."