Hyderabad: American supermodel Gigi Hadid attended the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) in Mumbai along with other guests this weekend. During an NMACC event, Varun Dhawan called Gigi Hadid to the stage, spun her around, and planted a kiss on her cheek. However, after receiving criticism for doing the same, Varun labeled it a "planned" gimmick and Gigi stood up for him saying that she got to fulfill her Bollywood dreams. But she removed that specific Instagram Story hours before it could automatically disappear on its own.
Some people were not pleased with this, and they expressed their opinions on it on Reddit. Several of them have referred to it as a "PR cleanup" to save Varun's reputation and the stakes involved at the star-studded Nita Mukesh Ambani Culture Centre launch. One of the Reddit users pointed out that her other Instagram Stories, including the one calling Karn Johar a legend, are still up, but only that particular story has been erased by her. Soon after, several people claimed that it was all a PR cleanup.