Hyderabad: Ivanka Das, who appeared in projects like Maja Ma, Sunflower, and now Ghoomer, is shedding light on the challenges she faces as a transsexual actor. The actor will also be seen in the upcoming film Haddi alongside Nawazuddin Siddiqui. While she heaped praise on Nawaz for being a supportive co-star, the actor narrated a 'very bad experience' on the Haddi set.
In a candid conversation with a webloid, Ivanka delved into her journey as a transsexual actor, reflecting on her experiences during the filming of Ghoomer and the challenges she confronted while working with fellow transgender individuals on the set of Haddi. She also shared insights into her unexpected departure from Taali starring Sushmita Sen, asserting that her exit was due to politics that unfolded within the production, abruptly ending her involvement after three days of shooting.
Talking about her experience on sets of Haddi, where she appears alongside Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Ivanka clarified that she was the sole transsexual actor amidst a group of real-life transgenders in the cast. In her portrayal, she plays Siddiqui's friend and commends the actor's collaborative and supportive nature. However, she disclosed a challenging encounter with the transgenders on set, highlighting their misconceptions about preferential treatment, a misunderstanding that led to friction and an unpleasant experience.