Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to connect with his fans. On Sunday, the superstar interacted with his fans during his popular #AskSRK session. King Khan replied to few users on X, while he also shut down a troll who tried to take a dig at Jawan's advance booking sales.
During #AskSRK, the 57-year-old actor usually replies to fans' queries about films and also doles out some quirky pieces of advice on love and relationships. During his latest chat session on X, the actor had to zip a social media user who asked about the authenticity of Jawan's pre-booking numbers.
A user asked SRK, "#Jawan ka Kitna Booking Cooperate hai aur Kitna real? #AskSRK." The actor did not ignore the troll but chose to reply to him with the hope of spreading positivity. "Yeh social media waali ghatia baatein mat karo yaar. Have positive thoughts and good feelings for all. Better for life. #Jawan," wrote SRK on X. Jawan has sold over 4 lakh tickets since advance booking in India kickstarted on September 1.