Mumbai:Singer Sona Mohapatra invited trolls after she questioned Shehnaaz Gill's talent and took a dig at her azaan video. Sona, who had raised her voice against #MeToo accused Sajid Khan being part of Bigg Boss 16, said that Shehnaaz should have shown some reverence for sisterhood as well when she spoke in support of the tainted filmmaker.
Sona stirred a storm in Twitter cup with her tweets on Shehnaaz, who enjoys a huge fan following on social media. Shehnaaz, who appeared in Bigg Boss 13, is yet to make her Bollywood debut with Salman Khan starrer Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. After coming out of Bigg Boss house, she featured in a few music videos but it took her more than three years to announce her film debut. Taking a dig at Shehnaaz's career trajectory, Sona said she doesn't know what Shehnaaz's talent is except "low-brow reality tv fame."
The Ambarsariya singer apparently called Shehnaaz "women of convenience" and her words seemingly did not go down well with the fans of Bigg Boss 13 star. Fans of Shehnaaz are trolling Sona on Twitter and calling her out for her "fake feminism" and "hypocrisy." Sona did try to zip trolls but it only got worse.