Hyderabad:Gadar 2, a commercial potboiler starring Sunny Deol, is now eyeing the Rs 500 crore mark at the Indian box office. The film grossed Rs 284.63 crore in its first week and Rs 134.37 crore in its second week. The Anil Sharma directorial earned Rs 7.10 crore on its third Friday, Rs 13.75 crore on its third Saturday, about Rs 17 crore on its third Sunday, and is expected to earn Rs 5 crore on its third Monday. As of Monday, early estimates by Industry tracker Sacnilk predict the film's total earnings to be around Rs 461.95 crore.
Gadar 2 also became the fastest Hindi film to breach the Rs 450 crore threshold at the domestic box office on Sunday. This feat was accomplished in just 17 days. Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan (18 days) and Prabhas and Anushka Shetty's Baahubali 2 (20 days) are the other two Hindi films to mint Rs 450 crore at the box office.
Furthermore, film critic and trade expert Sumit Kadel said that Gadar 2 will certainly cross Rs 500 crore and become the biggest-grossing picture of all time. He stated that despite its release date clash with OMG 2 and the premiere of Ayushmann Khurrana's Dream Girl 2 on August 25, Gadar 2 performed well.