Hyderabad: Sunny Deol's film Gadar 2 has been a box-office success. The film has grossed more than Rs 450 crore in just three weeks. To commemorate Raksha Bandhan 2023, the makers of the film have decided to provide a unique gift to all of Gadar 2 fans.
Gadar 2 has been watched in theatres by over 30 million people since its release on August 11. It's been a huge box office hit, and there's no sign of it slowing down. With this new offer, the film has all the opportunity to breach the Rs 500 crore mark at the Indian box office.
Rakhi, India's festival honouring the bond between brothers and sisters, will be celebrated on August 30th this year. The Gadar 2 creators have agreed on a gift to make the holiday season even more special for fans. The makers announced the buy 2 get two tickets free offer, which will be valid from August 29th to September 3rd, 2023.