Hyderabad: Sunny Deol and Ameersha Patel starrer Gadar 2 took the box office by storm upon its release on August 11 alongside Akshay Kumar starrer OMG 2. Helmed by Anil Sharma, the film crossed Rs 500 crore mark at the domestic box office on the 24th day of its release. After witnessing a growth of 36.36% on Sunday, Gadar 2 box office collection, however, declined by 61.5% on day 25.
According to early estimates by Sacnilk, Gadar 2 box office collections for day 25 stands at Rs 3 crore nett in India. Which is Rs 4.8 crore less than the numbers registered by the film on Sunday. At the end of a 25-day run in theaters, the total comes to Rs 504.17 crore nett in the domestic market. Meanwhile, the film had an overall occupancy of 7.27% in Hindi on Monday.
The commercial success of Gadar 2 added to the momentum that Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan built up onset of the year. Gadar 2 has emerged as the third highest-grossing Hindi film of all time after crossing the lifetime collections of the Aamir Khan-starrer Dangal and Yash-starrer K.G.F: Chapter 2.
On Saturday, the makers threw a lavish party to celebrate Gadar 2 crossing the Rs 500 crore milestone at the domestic box office. Team Gadar 2 was joined by the who's who of Bollywood in celebrating the humungous success of the film in Mumbai. Meanwhile, Gadar 2 will face tough competition from Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan which is all set to hit big screens on September 7.
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