Hyderabad: Priyanka Chopra took to social media to share the first look from her much-anticipated global series Citadel. The actor, who will be seen playing a spy in the series, looks amazing in Citadel first look. Soon after Priyanka shared the images, several celebrities swarmed her comment section with heart and fire emojis. Those who are floored by PeeCee's Citadel first look include her American singer husband Nick Jonas.
Taking to Instagram, Chopra dropped a string of pictures from Citadel. In the pictures, she is seen donning a red outfit while aiming the gun at someone. In another picture, Priyanka and Richard Madden are seen in action. PeeCee and Madden will be seen playing elite spies who work for a firm called Citadel.
Priyanka's first look as Nadia Sinh from Citadel has left Samantha Ruth Prabhu impressed who dropped, "Yassss 🔥🔥🔥," in the comment section. Samantha is said to reprise PeeCee's character in the Indian adaption of Citadel which will also star Varun Dhawan in lead. Chopra's White Tiger co-star Rajkummar Rao, Dia Mirza, Esha Gupta, Guneet Monga and several other celebrities too have liked Citadel first look.