Mumbai:Actor Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja hosted a lavish welcome party at their Mumbai home for football icon David Beckham. The Wednesday night bash was attended by well-known faces in the entertainment industry including Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, Mira Rajput, Shibani Dandekar, Farhan Akhtar, Karisma Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora among others. Several pictures from the party surfaced on social media.
In one of the pictures, Sonam Kapoor can be seen seated on the couch, while the background shows off the wonderful decor and the other guests. The actress looked stunning in a bright-coloured sari and a white kaftan blouse. Her hair was wrapped back in a rose-adorned bun. She sported spectacular necklace and earrings.
Anand Ahuja shared a picture of himself with Sonam and David Beckham. Arjun Kapoor was also seen arriving for the party with girlfriend Malaika Arora. While he sported a black-coloured outfit, Malaika wore an oversized white shirt and black skirt.
He took to his Instagram handle to share a picture with Malaika and Beckham. He wrote in the caption, "To meet someone u have admired from afar for so many years to be able to talk face to face with him about his new life in Miami, football, India, travel, his kids, philanthropy & everything else I could squeeze into a 15 minute dinner table chat... grateful to meet @davidbeckham in awe of his genuine sincerity towards spending time with all of us & being kind enough to allow every fan in that room to feel elated to get a picture & time with him... Thank u @sonamkapoor & @anandahuja for fulfilling a childhood dream of mine !!!"