Hyderabad:After making his cinematic debut with Qala last year in a supporting capacity, Babil Khan bags lead part in Friday Night Plan. The trailer of the much anticipated film was dropped on Monday. Apart from Babil, the film stars Juhi Chawla Mehta and Amrit Jayan.
The film is about two brothers, who are up to something shady in the wee hours of the night. Makers of the fun flick released the trailer from streaming juggernaut Netflix on Monday writing: "School’s out, mom’s out and so are the two siblings. Will this be their best Friday Night Plan yet? 👀 #FridayNightPlan premieres on 1st September, only on Netflix!"
Described as a "heartwarming tale" of self-discovery and friendship, the film will be Babil's second on-screen endeavour following the well-received movie Qala from a year ago. In Friday Night Plan, Amrith Jayan, who plays the younger brother, and Babil, who plays the older brother, both play nerdy roles. Babil is the son of the late actor Irrfan Khan. Juhi Chawla also makes a guest appearance in the movie.