Hyderabad: Film director Vignesh Shivan, who was supposed to work with Ajith Kumar for the first time, has now made it clear that he is no longer involved in the Tamil project. Speaking at a fans' meet on Thursday, the director said that his project with Ajith would not go on and the opportunity had been given to director Magizh Thirumeni for whom he expressed his happiness.
During the fans' meet, Vignesh said, "I am happy for Magizh Thirumeni for getting the opportunity to collaborate with Ajith. For him, it is a big breakthrough and I will also enjoy this film as a fan." He continued by saying that the producers wanted to switch the filmmaker since they were unhappy with the second half.
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When the project was announced in May last year, Vignesh took to his Twitter handle to thank Ajith for the opportunity to collaborate with him on the esteemed AK 62. Several reports over the past few months suggested that Vignesh had been removed from the project and the producers had replaced him with Magizh Thirumeni. The film's working title is currently AK 62.
Earlier this week, Vignesh and his wife Nayanthara were seen at Trichy airport while they were leaving for the well-known Kumbakonam temple. According to sources, the couple is said to have performed a special pooja in the temple on the occasion of Panguni Uthiram. A video clip of the pooja has also surfaced online which shows the couple being surrounded by some nearby local kids while they performed the pooja.