Hyderabad: The highly anticipated trailer of the upcoming film Fighter, featuring Bollywood stars Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, was finally unveiled on Monday, leaving fans super excited. Social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, is flooded with positive reviews. Alongside Hrithik and Deepika, the movie boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, and Akshay Oberoi, in crucial roles.
A user, who watched the trailer on the big screen at IMAX3D, expressed his excitement, stating that the aerial action shots were impressive and the hand-to-hand combat scenes, dialogues, and cinematography were of exceptional quality. The user also praised Hrithik and the action sequences, stating that they can never go wrong. The user also wrote, "#FighterTrailer is Perfection."
Another Twitter user wrote, "#FighterTrailer of the year. #HrithikRoshan proves once again he is the undisputed Greek God of Bollywood." A fan confidently stated that the theater experience of this film would be mind-blowing.
One user credited the choice of a fierce and competitive villain against the leading hero. "#FighterTrailer give us the glimpses of how we responded on PULWAMA ATTACK & showed pak d level of who's actual father," the user wrote. The user also expressed admiration for how the Indian Air Force was paid tribute to by the entire team.