Hyderabad:The makers of the upcoming aerial action thriller flick Fighter, on Saturday, dropped the film's trailer. The official trailer for Fighter featured heavy aerial stunts featuring Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan. Apart from these two in the lead, the Siddharth Anand directorial stars Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, and Akshay Oberoi in prominent roles.
The film is Hrithik and Deepika's debut on-screen collaboration. Fighter is due to enter theatres on January 25. The 3-minute 09-second trailer stars Hrithik as Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania (Patty), Deepika as Squadron Leader Minal Rathore or Minni, and Anil as Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh aka Rocky battling for their country.
Sharing the trailer, Hrithik wrote: "Dil aasmaan ke naam, aur jaan desh ke naam. Jai Hind" (Heart is for the sky, and life is for the country). The trailer details militant activity in the Srinagar Valley, which has spiralled out of control, prompting the Air Headquarters to establish a new and special force, the Air Dragons. They are now the first to respond to any threatening act. As Anil Kapoor says the newly formed handpicked team consists of the greatest combat aviators chosen from around the IAF.