Hyderabad: Actor Fatima Sana Shaikh, who will be soon seen as Indira Gandhi in Sam Bahadur, recently opened up about her struggle with epilepsy. The actor was diagnosed when she was training for 2016 released Dangal but did not speak about it until very recent as she was "scared" of not being offered work.
Last month, Fatima shared an awareness post regarding epilepsy. While marking the Epilepsy awareness challenge 2022, she urged people to share their stories of epilepsy. When asked what took her so long to reveal her health condition, Fatima in an interview said, "I've not hidden it, but kabhi mauka nahi mila. I took some time to understand what it was. There’s so much stigma attached. You think log sochenge that you have an ailment. I didn’t want people to think I’m weak."
The 30-year-old actor further said, "I was scared that if I tell people that I have this then I will not get work. I, also, didn’t want to accept that I have a neurological condition."