Hyderabad: IMDb honoured young actor Bhuvan Arora with the STARmeter Award for Breakthrough Star after he dazzled audiences with his performance in the streaming series Farzi. In the series, Bhuvan plays Firoz, Sunny's (played by Shahid Kapoor) partner-in-crime and best buddy, an artist who gets drawn into counterfeiting when he makes the perfect fake currency. In response to the award, the actor stated: A big thank you to all the fans and professionals around the world who've given me so much love for my performance in Farzi. I'm overjoyed and grateful. This is my first prize for individual performance, therefore it means a lot to me.
In the recently released streaming series Farzi, actor Bhuvan Arora plays Shahid Kapoor's best buddy, and has received a lot of favourable feedback for his role. He had initially declined the role doubting the role's length in the series. The actor, who dabbled in street theatre in Delhi, is naturally pleased with the response to his work, which he admitted to having nearly skipped.