Hyderabad: Multihphanate Farhan Akhtar took to social media to share trailer of his daughter Akira Akhtar's short film Homesick. Spreading the word about Akira's short, Farhan also wished her and the team well ahead of Homesick release on August 15. The actor also revealed that Homesick featuring Akira was partly shot at his Mumbai home a couple of weeks ago.
On Saturday, Farhan dropped Homesick trailer which is directed by budding filmmaker Ahaan Vaknalli. Akira aside, the film also features Shrutant Ramaswamy in the lead. Sharing the trailer, Farhan also revealed how he was surprised and curious when Akira once asked him to come over to shoot a couple of scenes for Homesick.
Being a father, Akhtar was seemingly happy as he anticipated hosting the crew but to his surprise, the team comprised just three including the director. Farhan also wished that his 16-year-old daughter's love for "storytelling last a lifetime." The filmmaker ended the post with a query about where can he watch the film.