Hyderabad:Filmmaker-actor-singer Farhan Akhtar, who is all set to make a comeback as a director after a decade, has started scouting for locations for his upcoming film Jee Le Zaraa starring Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, and Katrina Kaif. Farhan took to social media and shared a picture of himself as he started looking for locations in Rajasthan. He posted a photo in which he stood in a desert.
Farhan could be seen dressed in a jacket, shorts, and boots. He captioned the post: "Searching for gold. #location scout #Jee Le Zaraa #Rajasthan. Reacting to the post, Alia commented: "Can't waittttt." Ritesh Sidhwani wrote: "And he is back on the director's chair." Shankar Mahadevan wrote, "Looking forward eagerly!!" with two red heart emojis. His fans also reacted to the post. One fan wrote, "Cant wait for the movie. Please start soon and ready to get our minds blown." Another wrote, "We're gonna see Pri in a Bollywood movie finally." One more user wrote, "Waiting for kat's powerful role."