Hyderabad: Film director Farah Khan, who is currently seen as a co-judge on the dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, with Malaika Arora and Arshad Warsi, revealed an intriguing detail about the making of the iconic song Chaiyya Chaiyya. The filmmaker said that she got Malaika Arora onboard two days before the shoot of the Chaiyya Chaiyya song from Shah Rukh Khan and Manisha Koirala starrer Dil Se.
In a video shared by a paparazzo account on social media, Farah revealed that she approached Malaika Arora for the Chaiyya Chaiyya song only a couple of days prior to the shoot, as every other female lead had rejected the opportunity to perform in that song. The filmmaker further shared that she wasn't even aware of Malaika's dancing abilities, and she had approached Shilpa Shetty, Raveena Tandon, and a few others. But unfortunately, all of them declined for various reasons.
Farah said, "Malaika literally, I got from two days before we were going to shoot (Chaiyya Chaiyya) because every heroine refused to do that song. So see that's what I say, you have to be at the right place at the right time. And from there nobody knew Malaika was a model. I knew her because we knew her past better than she did. I didn't even know she could dance, you know, and literally from Shilpa Shetty, to Raveena, to... I don't know how many heroines I went to...four or five. Everybody had said 'no' for some reason or the other."