Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar's 50th birthday bash was indeed 'a night to remember'. Adding to that Choreographer-director Farah Khan dropped a few more fun insights from the glamourous part of the 'decade'. On Tuesday, the 'Om Shanti Om' director took to her Instagram handle, and shared some more glimpses from the starry night, she captioned the post, "Luckily there r pics to remind me what all i did @karanjohar s50 th.. #partyofthedecade #toomuchfun"
The video posted by Farah was a compilation of a bunch of amusing pictures from the bash. The pictures featured Farah in her element and sharing fun moments with Preity Zinta, Vaani Kapoor, Tabu, Rohit Shetty, Ranveer Singh, Abhishek Bacchan and Diana Penty, being the highlight of the entire video.