Hyderabad:Bollywood actor Urvashi Rautela was seen in Delhi's Arun Jaitley Stadium to witness the IPL match against Mumbai Indians and Delhi Capitals. The Hate Story 4 actor took to her Instagram and shared several glimpses of the wonderful night she had as she attended the IPL 2023 match between DC and MI. As soon as Urvashi Rautela posted the videos of her attending the IPL match of Delhi Capitals, fans started to brutally troll her over Rishabh Pant who is not playing IPL 2023 due to an accident.
Fans tease Urvashi Rautela with Rishabh Pant's name as she arrives for DC vs MI match in Mumbai Urvashi Rautela took to her Instagram and shared multiple videos of her from the stadium. In the videos we can see Urvashi waving at her fans, blowing kisses and posing for the cameras. The model-turned-actor even danced to the music being played. However, there were instances of trolling and teasing as fans chanted ace cricketer Rishabh Pant's name upon spotting her at the stadium.
The videos of her from the stadium have gone viral, evoking different reactions from people. Some were in awe of her dress and beauty while some linked her to Rishabh Pant and trolled her for following the cricketer. One user wrote, "Aaj Rishabh Pant Bhai nahi aaye hai (Rishabh Pant is not here today)," while another commented, "The main reason why @delhicapitals lost."
A third user said, "Urvashi was an impact player in Mumbai Indians team." Urvashi Rautela, in the past, has repeatedly been linked to Rishabh Pant. According to reports, after things between the two turned ugly, they broke off their relationship. Urvashi Rautela made headlines earlier this week after Pakistani pacer Naseem Shah allegedly proposed to her at a public event. A video from the event is going viral wherein Naseem Shah says that he is ready to marry the Bollywood actor if she agrees.
Also read:Watch: Pak cricketer Naseem Shah says he is ready to marry Urvashi Rautela if...