Hyderabad:Anurag Kashyap is currently touring the world with his latest feature, Kennedy. He is presently in Switzerland for the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival, and the Ugly filmmaker was delighted by the locals' enthusiasm for SS Rajamouli's two-part film Baahubali. Anurag noticed that before every screening, someone in the audience would yell, 'Baahubali,' which was then repeated by the others. It is followed as a ritual by the fans, as Anurag discovered at practically all viewing.
The director then captured it on video, which is currently available on his Instagram page. Sharing the footage, Anurag wrote: "In Neuchatel at @nifffestival, their all-time favourite film is @ssrajamouli's Bahubali... at every single screening, at all cinemas, before the film, during the play of the ads, someone in the crowd always screams Baaaaahubaaali and the rest of the crowd follows. The first time, I thought it was a one-time occurrence, but then it happened again. Following that, I recorded the audience yelling Bahubali at every show I attended. Here are four examples of those videos. Such is the admiration for Rajamouli and his work."