Hyderabad (Telangana):Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Monday. The actor had a rather unpleasant experience at the airport as her fans mobbed her for selfies. The excited fans even pulled her in process of getting a picture with Kareena.
A video of Kareena being mobbed at the airport is doing rounds on the internet. Kareena was spotted at Mumbai airport with her son Jeh Ali Khan. The actor had a flight to catch to London where she will be shooting for her upcoming film with director Hansal Mehta. Kareena, however, had to go through little uncomfortable situation when fans went a little overboard at the airport.
To click a selfie with Kareena, a few enthusiastic fans even pushed her. Kareena's bodyguard is seen trying to manage the crowd but in vein as the fans seemingly ignored to respect her personal space. In the viral video, fans are seen shoving their phones in the actor's face to take pictures with her. While Jeh was with his caretaker, Kareena kept calm as she navigated toward the airport entrance.