Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is loved by many and with age, the Dabangg actor's fan following continues to increase. He is currently in Abu Dhabi for the 23rd edition of the International Indian Film Academy Awards and has been in the limelight for the last couple of days. However, the IIFA pre-event took an unexpected turn of events after a woman astounded Salman with a marriage proposal. The video from the event is currently doing the rounds on social media.
In a video from the event shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, a woman could be heard saying, "Salman Khan, I came all the way from Hollywood, just to ask you this question. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you." To this, Salman playfully quipped, "You are talking about Shah Rukh Khan, right?"
The woman continued the conversation and said, "I am talking about Salman Khan. Will you marry me?" Reacting to the question, Salman playfully said, "My days of getting married are over. You should have met me 20 years ago." And then he walked away. As soon as the video was shared, social media users rushed to the comment section and dropped their reactions to the video.