Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kajol on Friday shared a cryptic post on Instagram. The actor, who enjoys 14.4 million followers on Instagram, has deleted all the posts except the one announcing a break from social media. While her fans are expressing concern, a section of social media is convinced that it is a gimmick to promote her upcoming series.
Kajol took to her social media handles to announce that she is going on a digital detox. The announcement created ripples on social media as the accomplished actor has hinted at a tough time in life. Sharing a post on Instagram which reads, "Facing one of the toughest trials of my life," Kajol wrote in the caption, "Taking a break from social media."
The 48-year-old actor also announced social media break on Twitter and Facebook where she has amassed a following of 3.6 million and 28 million respectively. While she deleted all posts on Instagram, her Facebook, and Twitter handles still feature old posts. Kajol's latest post has left fans worrying who are assuming that something is bothering the actor while netizens are churning out various theories as they try to dissect her decision to go off social media.