Hyderabad: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is focusing on money trail to Hindi-Telugu movie Liger in the wake of suspected violations of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). The ED officials grilled film director Puri Jagannadh and actor-turned-producer Charmme Kaur throughout the day on Thursday. They were questioned about the source of investment into Vijay Deverakonda-starrer Liger which was released in August.
American boxer Mike Tyson also played an extended cameo in the movie reported to have been produced with a budget of about Rs 125 crore. The film starring Vijaya Deverakonda and Ananya Panday in the lead had mega shoots in Las Vegas. It, however, bombed at the box-office.
The ED took up the investigation after Congress leader Bakka Judson lodged a complaint about the investment into the movie through dubious routes. Puri Jagannadh and Charmme Kaur were at the ED office for more than 12 hours on Thursday. They were issued notices 15 days ago.
Bakka Judson had complained that even politicians had invested money in the movie. He claimed that the investors found it the easiest way of turning their black money into white. The ED officials reported to have questioned the director and producer about the allegations that crores of rupees were invested into the making of the movie from foreign countries allegedly in violation of FEMA.