Hyderabad: The Rajkumar Hirani directorial featuring Shah Rukh Khan in the lead was released in theatres on December 21, 2023. According to industry tracker Sacnilk, the SRK-starrer grossed Rs 196.97 crore in India on Monday and is now eyeing the Rs 200 crore mark at the domestic circuit. Apart from Shah Rukh, the film boasts of an ensemble cast comprising Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, Vikram Kochhar, and Anil Grover.
Shah Rukh Khan's Dunki made a Rs 29 crore debut on December 21. The comedy-drama marks the third Bollywood release of SRK in 2023. The film opened to decent numbers, however, it faced a dip on the weekdays, especially because of stiff competition from Prabhas' Salaar, which was released on December 22.
Despite the Salaar wave, the film picked up momentum after its second weekend. The second Saturday and Sunday saw a surge in box office collections, minting Rs 9 crore and Rs 11.5 crore, respectively, representing gains of 28.57% and 27.78%. As Dunki entered its second Monday, early estimates suggest a collection of roughly Rs 9.25 crore, bringing the total domestic box office revenue during the 12 days to a respectable Rs 196.97 crore. The film is projected to cross the Rs 200 crore mark soon on the domestic circuit.