Hyderabad:Dunki, starring Shah Rukh Khan, opened in theatres on December 3 and had a solid opening weekend. As per Industry tracker Sacnilk, the film grossed more than Rs 70 crore in India in three days. However, the Shah Rukh Khan starrer failed at the box office in comparison to his previous two blockbusters this year, Pathaan and Jawan.
According to the report, the film earned Rs 29.2 crore on day one and Rs 20.12 crore on day two. On its third day in India, Dunki's earnings increased significantly, earning a total of Rs 26 crore nett, taking its total to Rs 75.32 crore nett. Apart from the Bollywood superstar, the film stars Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, and Boman Irani in key roles. The film marks the maiden project of SRK and Rajkumar Hirani of 3 idiots and PK fame.
The film is a story about four friends and their journey to reach foreign shores, written by Abhijat Joshi, Rajkumar Hirani, and Kanika Dhillon. It depicts the difficult but life-changing journey the four friends embark on in order to realise their ambitions. It is based on real-life events and opened to mixed reviews on Thursday.